
【轉知】中華大學學校財團法人中華大學/CHU-第三屆CERT PT工作坊- 3rd CERT PT Workshop

主旨:本校觀光學院EMI中心於113年6月24-28日辦理第三屆CERT PT工作坊,函邀所屬相關領域教師踴躍報名參加,請查照轉知。



二、工作坊題目:Internationally Accredited Trainingfor University Lecturers!

三、工作坊教師:英籍EMI Steven Muarry顧問、本校培訓之EMI教師。









Subject: Invitation: 3rd CERT PT Workshop by the College of Tourism EMI Center

Dear Faculty Members,

We are pleased to inform you that the College of Tourism EMI Center at our university will be organizing the 3rd CERT PT Workshop from June 24th to 28th, 113. We extend a warm invitation to faculty members in related fields to actively participate in this workshop. Please see below for details:


  1. Workshop Objective: The College of Tourism at Chung Hua University integrates AI, big data, cloud computing, and metaverse applications with the college as the core. We actively embrace the post-pandemic challenges and developments in tourism, promoting innovative transformation among faculty and students, facilitating interdisciplinary learning, and fostering diverse employment and entrepreneurial abilities. In the 112th academic year, the College was approved by the Ministry of Education as a bilingual key nurturing institution for tourism, advancing bilingual learning initiatives.

  2. Workshop Title: Internationally Accredited Training for University Lecturers!

  3. Workshop Instructors: Mr. Steven Murray, EMI Consultant from the UK, along with EMI instructors trained by our university.

  4. Workshop Schedule: June 24th (Monday) to 28th (Friday), 09:30 AM to 05:30 PM.

  5. Workshop Venue: Smart Classroom I206, College of Tourism/R&D Building, No. 707, Section 2, Wufu Road, Xiangshan District, Hsinchu City.

  6. Workshop Capacity: Limited to 25 participants.

  7. Registration Period: From now until June 21st, 113, or until all slots are filled.

  8. Registration Link: https://forms.gle/cUpJ51ctfbyZCUaS6

  9. College of Tourism EMI Center Website: https://www.chueti.com/

  10. The workshop poster is attached for your reference.
