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一、講座宗旨:本校中醫學院依「教育部大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫-重點培育學院」,祈以EMI全英文教學的方式,拓展師生額外語言知能,讓全校師生與國際接軌。活動主題沿襲「來場TED Talk演講盛宴!」,延伸強化「TED演講技巧工作坊(1)」的內容,透過「有效運用輔具強化演講」、「巧妙運用肢體語言」、「提升英語發音和溝通技巧」及「掌握與觀眾之互動問答技巧」,強化個人語言表達技能與舞台掌握力,期盼透過工作坊的知能培力訓練,讓參與者更勇於展現語言的表達。
二、講座題目:深入聚焦:讓演講達人來揭密如何昇華一場精采絕倫的TED Talk。
四、講座時間:113年05月03日(星期五)下午 13:00~17:00。
Subject: Invitation to EMI TED Talk Skills Workshop (2) on May 3, 113
We are pleased to inform you that the Office of Bilingual Learning at our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine will be organizing an EMI TED Talk Skills Workshop (2) on May 3, 113. We kindly request your assistance in disseminating this information among the faculty, staff, and students of [Recipient's School], and we encourage their active participation. Please find the details below:
1. Workshop Objective: In accordance with the "Key Cultivation Colleges of Student Bilingual Learning Program" of the Ministry of Education, our College of Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to enhance language proficiency among faculty and students through EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) teaching, thus aligning with international standards. This workshop, themed "Let's Have a TED Talk Feast!" extends and reinforces the content of "TED Talk Skills Workshop (1)." Through sessions on "Effective Use of Aids to Enhance Speech," "Clever Use of Body Language," "Improving English Pronunciation and Communication Skills," and "Mastering Interaction and Questioning Techniques with the Audience," participants will enhance their language expression skills and stage presence. We hope that participants will gain confidence in language expression through the skills training provided in the workshop.
2. Workshop Title: Delving Deeper: Let the Speech Experts Reveal How to Elevate an Outstanding TED Talk.
3. Speakers: Principal Lee Hai-Shuo from Wego International School; and Ms. Hsu Bi-Xia from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
4. Workshop Time: May 3, 113 (Friday), from 13:00 to 17:00.
5. Workshop Venue: Active Learning Classroom, 8th Floor, Mutual Assistance Building, Yenchai Campus, China Medical University.
6. Workshop Capacity: Limited to 60 participants.
7. Registration Deadline: Registration is open until 5:00 PM on May 2, 113 (Thursday), or until all slots are filled.
8. Registration Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qxNKiCiaYjTZFKaA1KAM4mIew51Milvf23nmKCxhv1E/edit
9. Contact Persons: Ms. Ji at the Office of Bilingual Learning, College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 04-22053366#3804 / Mr. Lee at 04-22053366#3142.
10. Attached herewith is the event poster.