
【轉知】國立臺灣科技大學/NTUST-EMI教師中階培訓/EMI Intermediate Teacher Training



一、本校EMI教學資源中心(以下簡稱本中心)配合2030雙語政策及大專校校院推動EMI課程,於本(113)年正式成立。結合技職院校與一般大學之實務教學特色,並提供各大專校院教學之資源,於112學年度第2學期辦理EMI教師培訓及教師專業迷你工作坊(Mini Workshop),以推動各大專校院EMI教師教學知能培訓,期望達到EMI教師教學增能之目的,並透過資源中心資源共享,合作共好之理念。








五、本案相關事宜,請逕洽本中心人員信箱:陳小姐 chiehanchen@mail.ntust.edu.tw謝小姐 pilun88@mail.ntust.edu.tw黃小姐 tyhuang1026@mail.ntust.edu


Subject: Announcement: Information on "EMI Intermediate Teacher Training" Organized by Our EMI Teaching Resource Center

We are pleased to provide information regarding the "EMI Intermediate Teacher Training" organized by our EMI Teaching Resource Center. Please see the details below:

Our EMI Teaching Resource Center, established in the academic year 113, aligns with the 2030 Bilingual Policy and the promotion of EMI courses across colleges and universities. Combining the practical teaching characteristics of technical and vocational colleges with those of general universities, we aim to provide teaching resources for institutions. In the second semester of the academic year 112, we conducted EMI teacher training and mini workshops to enhance the teaching competencies of EMI teachers across various colleges and universities. Through resource sharing, we uphold the principle of collaboration for mutual benefit.

Course Schedule: The EMI teacher training program is divided into three stages: beginner, intermediate, and advanced, with a total duration of 36 hours. Registration for the intermediate training is now open. Teachers who complete the 12-hour module training in this stage will receive an electronic certificate from our center. The schedule for the EMI Intermediate Teacher Training is as follows: 4/19, 4/24, 4/26, 5/2, and 5/3.

Venue: Future Classroom (T2-206), 2nd floor of the Second Teaching Building on our campus.

Registration Information:

Course Information Website (NTUST EMI Teaching Resource Center): https://ntusttlc.ntust.edu.tw/

Registration Link: https://reurl.cc/54exOV

Eligibility: Open to teachers from all colleges and universities.

Registration Deadline: Please refer to the center's website for the registration period. As seats are limited, we encourage you to seize this opportunity. Successful applicants will be notified via email by our center.

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact the following personnel at the EMI Teaching Resource Center:

Ms. Chieh-An Chen: chiehanchen@mail.ntust.edu.tw

Ms. Pilun Hsieh: pilun88@mail.ntust.edu.tw

Ms. Ty Huang: tyhuang1026@mail.ntust.edu.tw
