【轉知】國立中山大學 -「113-1學期EMI教師培訓基礎級工作坊與教師社群」/National Sun Yat-sen University -" Basic EMI Teacher Trainin
【轉知】國立中興大學-「 Effective Public SpeakingTechniques for EMI TA」/National Chung Hsing University - "Effe
【轉知】國立中興大學/4場EMI教學設計系列講座/National Chung Hsing University / Series of 4 EMI Course Design Lectures
【轉知】國立中興大學 -「EMI 課程教學經驗分享-利用EMI提升資訊領域的國際教學實踐與學生跨國移動力的策略」/National Chung Hsing University - "Sharing
【轉知】國立臺北科技大學-「Fulbright EMI workshop」/National Taipei University of Technology - "Fulbright EMI Work
【轉知】國立臺灣海洋大學/線上雙語教學活動相關資訊/National Taiwan Ocean University / Information on Online Bilingual Teachin
【轉知】臺灣科技大學 -《EMI教學助理線上培訓》/National Taiwan University of Science and Technology - "Online Training fo
【轉知】國立中興大學/3場跨校聯合EMI講座/National Chung Hsing University / Three Joint EMI Lectures Across Universitie
【轉知】國立臺灣師範大學-「Collaborative Construction of Knowledge Through EMI」/National Taiwan Normal University
【轉知】國立臺灣大學-「全英語授課專家講座」/National Taiwan University - "English Medium Instruction Expert Lectures"